After breakfast with Red, we ran some errands and wound up at a French pastry shop that I've been dying to try.
My mom got a chocolate eclair.
And I got the citrus tart.
As we nibbled our tasties, we wondered whether bakery just tastes better in France or if it really is better there. Because sadly, these guys didn't even come close to our Parisian delights.
Of course we ate every last bit... we wouldn't want anything to go to waste.
We continued our errands and I got three dresses from St. Vinnie's! I even found a dress for Mr. Z's sister's wedding that's coming up in August.
When we got home we made ourselves a lunch/afternoon snack/dinner treat and ate it on our new deck.
These are the best meals.
We had a baguette from the French bakery, olive oil and balsamic vinegar, Irish cheddar....
Kohlrabi, mushroom tofu spread, Mr. Z's homemade salsa, chips and a refreshing beverage made of juice and fizzy soda.
After our meal it was finally cool enough to go to the barn, but I forgot my camera!! We had such a great time. I gave my mom a ride on Pixie (I led them around with a rope) and I showed her how far we've come with soccer, cantering and bareback riding. It was really, really fun!