Friday night began with serious Pixie triage. My little mare managed to cut her leg up pretty badly and I had to make my first call to the vet. She'll live, although she's a tad dramatic about the bandaging process (she must get that from her mother... her human mother). I didn't get home until well after 8 PM and my wonderful Mr. Z had a delicious hot meal waiting for me. With a very fancy place setting.
And an even fancier menu...
After a stressful, chilly, looonnnggg night, I laughed so hard at this set up. A handsome husband who can cook and makes me laugh every day. Seriously, could I be ANY luckier?!
Saturday began with another trip to the barn to make sure Pixie made it through the evening without tearing off her bandages. I was out there for four hours, rushed back to town, picked up our CSA box, made my way home, threw myself into the shower and welcomed my wonderful lady family to my house... for we were off to see the wizard!
Wicked is playing at the Overture Center for the next week or so and it was FANTASTIC. I knew nothing about the show, I haven't read the book or listened to the music, and I really, really enjoyed it. I kind of thought it might be one of those things that everyone raves about and doesn't live up to expectations... not so. A really wonderful production with awesome messages, entertaining characters and really clever lines.
After the show we went to an Irish Pub for a delicious meal and Irish car bombs. Yes, even Nana did one. I wish I had pictures.
After a long weekend of eating and drinking I knew it was time to get back on track. I've been following weight watchers for a couple of months now. I've lost almost 10 pounds, but the last couple of weeks have been a little stressful at work and that threw any healthy eating plans out the window. So it's time to buckle down!

Breakfast was 4 points. Cinnamon raisin Ezekiel muffin with 1 T cream cheese and blueberry tea.

Snacks for 2 points. A small banana and bruised pear.

Leftovers for lunch for a total of 5 points. This handy dandy tupperware consists of 2 T of my mom's homemade hummus, 3 1/2 oz chicken breast and loads of veggies.
I'm dreaming of future leftover lunches. I feel like fall weather really lends itself to leftovers: chili, soups and stews...OH MY! Speaking of soup, I have three different squashes sitting on my counter that need to be turned into something soon. Perhaps I'll have a recipe update later this week!
Happy Monday!
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