Today's outfit comes to you from Red: yellow gingham shirt (I LOVE gingham) and green button-down sweater.
Miss Nancy B. (I believe!?): fabulous cream stretchy belt I wear at least once a week.
Mama Jennifer: the beautiful floral pattern skirt I picked out of her St. Vinnie's bags this past winter.
And Pareeeeee! The earrings I got in Paris with my mom.

I think I might start a movement: Slow Fashion. You know, like slow food - the idea that when you take time to learn where your ingredients come from, grow your own, cook your own, etc. your food tastes better?
Well, when I know that each piece of my outfit has a history or a story it puts an extra little spring in my step. When I can look at my earrings and remember the tiny jewelry store tucked in the streets of Ile Saint-Louis right down the road from the cafe where we sat and had red wine; or when I can look at my shirt, sweater, belt and skirt and think, these were given to me by my friends and I've paired them into new outfits that might not have been; when I can do these things, I feel good. And I'm a firm believer that when one feels good, one looks good.
I'll leave you with this super cute blog of a woman who wore the same dress for 365 days. It's amazing what you can do with accessories (not to mention a cute little figure with mile long stick legs...).
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