Thursday, August 27, 2009


What do you absolutely love about yourself today? What are you feeling particularly proud of this week? Your smarts? Your eyes? A new outfit you totally rocked? Use the comments section to toot your own horn, pat yourself on the back, BE YOUR OWN BIGGEST FAN!


  1. Ok, I'll go first. Recently I learned how to apply eye-makeup (yes, recently!) and I've really enjoyed playing with different colors here and there. I like how my eyes look with just a smidge of makeup framing them.

  2. I got my house ready for sale and sold in 14 days!! I had some help from my father-in-law and my mom!!

    This is a wonderful idea, Bonniejean. As women we need to celebrate our accomplishments--we do accomplish quite a bit!!

  3. It's a small thing, but yesterday I got up early as I always do, went to work (was quite productive, though it was a slow day), came home, and DIDN'T nap! Instead I got a lot done around the apt., but I also went to the gym! *gasp* And it was a good workout too!

    I don't know where I found the energy to do all of this because I'm usually exhausted after work, but it felt good to accomplish these little things. I want to do that every day...

  4. I bought new earrings and I love how they look on me!
